RAR Secrets Courses
Both RAR Command Line and RAR Secrets courses are now available on our new, much more reliable site: https://rarsecrets.podia.com
Have you ever needed, or wished, that you could somehow go beyond using WinRAR.exe and more easily learn how to create, customise or improve your own applications?
Let me introduce you to RAR.exe, the older brother to WinRAR that will provide you with a much larger set of commands and switches than are available to us with WinRAR.
You can start this very useful learning process to use RAR.exe in Windows Command Line, with the RAR Cmnd Line RCL course, as it is the introductory section of the full course which is available here! There you will also have access to our RCL Members Group to discuss and ask questions about using RAR for Windows.
Then you will have the option to follow on from that that basics course, with our more advanced RAR Secrets Course, that guides and teaches you how to make best use of many of RAR.exe’s 100+ Commands and Switches. RSC will take you well beyond the RAR.exe basics to create and use your own more useful Batch files. then to complete this advanced course you learn how to create many of the Windows based very useful Powershell scripts. These are provided for you to create a wide range of very useful RAR based projects for everyday and occasional use, for business or for your own use. This RAR Secrets Course has now been updated with 30 training sessions with over 5 3/4 hours of video training lessons. To learn more about RSC go to: here.
Included in both RAR Courses is our RSC Members Private discussion group and our RAR Secrets Blog.