When do I use RAR?

What is RAR.exe and when should I use it?

RAR enables you to use its many powerful functions as it is the original Windows DOS text mode version that predates WinRAR, and its regularly updated versions are still in everyday use worldwide, as its many extra functions enable it to go way beyond WinRAR’s more limited functions.

RAR is available in downloadable customised versions for Windows, Linux, Mac and Android phones plus FreeBDS Operating Systems (OS).

Why would I want to use RAR?

Because it provides direct access into your OS, there is a much wider range of possible commands and switches available for both advanced users and those of us who are willing to learn how to make good use of RAR. As each of these text mode functions will provide us with more detailed and finer control than is possible with a graphical interface such as Windows.

When would I use RAR?

With RAR.exe you will have full use of the many powerful “low level” functions inside your OS (Operating System).

So have you ever been a bit frustrated using WinRAR.exe, when its commands don’t quite do exactly what you require?

Then I suggest you try looking up the extensive list of RAR commands and switches that are available inside Help (at the top right of each WinRAR window), as well as the rar.txt document that is supplied with the original WinRAR (not the “mini’ version that is provided by Windows)!

In those RAR commands you are sure to find at least one command for what you want to do.

But unless you are already quite familiar with the wide range of those commands and functions, you will find there is a learning curve to overcome.

How can I learn to use RAR.exe?

You could start learning by trial and error by working through the RAR functions, but that will take quite a chunk of your time to become proficient with using RAR.exe, so keep reading for more!

Here’s an overview:

In Windows if you first open the Command Prompt, Cmd, then you can enter one or more of RAR.exe’s commands and switches on one line. But you must remember to make a .txt copy of that file so you can reuse and modify those functions. So to make RAR.exe easier to learn, you are invited to join our Lifetime US$5 RAR Command Line Secrets course Here.

Then there is a higher level and little known ‘secret’ to using RAR!

Once familiar with Command line, you will be ready take it to the next level by including programming functions such as If … Then, on multiple lines, using Windows .bat files with RAR.exe.

By renaming that .txt file to .bat, you can then add a wide variety of Windows BATch file commands to create multi line mini-programs that are now capable of a much wider range of uses.

Then you learn how to go even deeper, by using Windows Powershell, as it makes using RAR far even more powerful by enabling us to create a wider range of useful mini apps.

Powershell is a far more capable programming utility than .BATch files, so that you can use it to automate regular, tedious, or time consuming tasks to use from inside Windows.

Powershell includes a command line shell and an advanced scripting language, making it extremely useful for those of us that need to get even more done with RAR.exe.

How do I start?

Does all this sound too difficult for you? Well, you’ve come to the right place. With my 30+ years of supporting RAR users, I will provide you with answers to your questions with these two RAR courses:

The RAR Command Line course was originally the introductory first hour of the full course (see below). This US$5 12 part online course is for WinRAR users who are interested in creating their own line of code with RAR.exe and Windows Cmd line.

This course starts from the beginning, with you becoming familiar with many of the most used commands and switches available in RAR.exe by using many examples to enable you to start using them Windows Cmd (Command Line) to create single line code projects using RAR.exe.

That RCL course content was originally the Introductory part of my 6+ hour course. So those 12 lessons are now available for only US$5 for you to learn how to make the best use of RAR.exe’s RAR Command Line, before joining our RAR Secrets Course.

Our new updated https://rarsecrets.podia.com website also provides RCL student users access to the Private Members area once you have joined us.

The RAR Secrets Course

The full 5 3/4 hour online RAR Secrets Course, originally launched in November 2023, is recommended for all more experienced RAR.exe, and WinRAR, users who want to extend their knowledge with our 30 video lessons, without having to DIY learn the hard way!

During this course you will become familiar with the extensive RAR Commands and Switches and will then be able to use the many examples to create many useful multi-line code apps, starting with .BATch files.

The RSC course then moves on to you learning and understanding how to efficiently use Windows PowerShell, so that you can then customise and create your own much more useful ‘mini-apps’, to your own requirements.

To check out the first RSC course, click here, for free access our first lesson . Then by joining us, for US39 and providing your full name and best email, you will have lifetime access to this very useful course!

Now that this new site site is upgraded to a much more reliable service, all RSC members now have full access to our Private Members area and to our RAR Secrets Blog.

You will find more details about both our RAR.exe courses here!

Selwyn Arrow, WinRAR How To

P.S. The latest version of both WinRAR and RAR is always available here, for you to download.
